

Proposals 为 externally-sponsored projects (e.g., grants or contracts) must be submitted by 十大靠谱网赌平台’s Office of Grants and Contracts (OGC) on behalf of the University and an eligible Principal Investigator (PI). 一般来说,任何提案 submitted by OGC will lack necessary institutional approvals and there为e 不能 为m the basis 为 an award, 一个提案应该成功吗.


It is the policy of 十大靠谱网赌平台 that submissions to external sponsors   不能   不经审查就做出来的   之前   approval by appropriate administrators and units within the campus (i.e. 指定大学校长). 出于这个原因, the university has implemented the “Extramural Grant and Contract Proposal Submission 时间轴 政策.”


All proposals must be received by the Office of Grants and Contracts (OGC)   不迟于七个工作日   在保荐人截止日期之前. In order 为 a proposal to be considered “on time,” the following documents are required to begin internal routing and approvals:

  • 最终预算
  • 最后的预算理由
  • A near final draft of the proposal narrative
  • 填妥的路线表格

Proposals outside of this seven-day timeline may 不 be submitted to the sponsor.   A Principal Investigator (PI) planning to submit a proposal that is outside the required timeline must secure   事先书面批准   来自ORSP的副总裁. Approval of the AVP-ORSP may only be provided under the most extraordinary circumstances.   Any proposal received five 业务 days or less 之前 to proposal deadline may 不 被审查和提交.

There are various internal deadlines in the proposal development process as described below.

1.   As soon as a decision is made to pursue a grant or contract opportunity, but   不迟于   4周   截止日期前.      

If a proposal or contract requires signature by the President or Provost, or if it   涉及到费用分摊, subcontracts and other additional requirements, please see “重要特殊要求” below.

a.   PI Contacts the OGC about a Request 为 Proposals (RFP), 合同协议, 或邀请提交提案.

b.   Within three (3) 业务 days of PI’s 不ice, 政府谘询委员会检讨有关指引, prepares a checklist of all required documents other supporting in为mation, 确定目标截止日期.

c. PI 不ifies Department Chair and Dean of his/her intent to submit a proposal, with a cc: to the OGC Coordinator assigned to his/her college.

 2. 十(10)项业务   提交截止日期前几天

a.   OGC and PI prepare and/or review initial budget and draft narrative.

b.   PI in为ms his/her College Business Officer of budgetary details

 3. 七(7)项业务   在申请截止日期前几天

a.   PI submits to OGC near final narrative and completed routing 为m. 

b.   PI和OGC最终确定预算.

c.   OGC发起提案的Cayuse路由.

 4. 三(3)   业务   在申请截止日期前几天

a.   PI submits all required documents to OGC. 例如:, Final Proposal Narrative/Project Description, GEPA声明, 传记草图, 等.

b.   Any residual issues identified by OGC are resolved by PI and OGC.

 5. 两(2)   业务   在申请截止日期前几天

a.   OGC completes and uploads all required Documents and supporting in为mation.

b.   OGC conducts final review of the complete Application Package

c.   Internal routing via Cayuse is completed.

 6. 一(1)   完整的   在保荐截止日期前一个工作日  

OGC submits complete and validated Application Package.

注意:  For hardcopy submission, an additional day is required. 例如, if the deadline provided by agency is July 1 收据 date, the proposal must be express mailed by OGC 不迟于 June 29 at 1:00 pm, 为   收据   由保荐人于六月三十日提出申请.


  1. Proposals or contracts that require the President’s signature or official endorsement need additional time to process. For proposals requiring signature by the President, PIs should allow ten (10) 业务 days   除了   to the internal deadline schedule provided above. 例如, rather than 2 days 之前 to proposal submission deadline, the final proposal package and any other documents must be submitted to the Office of Grants and Contracts 不迟于 twelve (12) 业务 提交截止日期前几天.
  2. Proposals that include or require special items such as those listed below need additional time 为 institutional review and approvals. PIs should allow approximately five (5) 业务 days   除了   to the internal deadline schedule provided above.
    • 费用分摊
    • 机构资料(e).g. historical enrollment data, financial statements, 等.)
    • Need 为 instrumentation or infrastructure improvements, additions, or upgrades
    • 需要额外空间
    • 分包合同(s)
    • Signed Memoranda of Understanding, Non-disclosure Agreements, 等.